Common Roots- The Color of Language

Our Language for Our Work

We are developing a community web of shared words and and concepts called Tapestry where we join hearts and measures to find common language and educational resources that are truth-based, green and poetic.

This is our language lab and our shared language room. We can discuss and read about the poems we want to join with through Tapestry. Ours is a sacred, classical, earth-based, beauty-driven community of people that are very, very fly. We are hawks really. Lightening hawks. And we know how to both soar and land on the earth. And we love trees and nests.

We allow ourselves to be stunning but also fun. Women and men and children love words like dolphins love leaping. We all love roots. Common roots make us whole. Whole people are impossible creatures for their brilliant hearts and ideas. Go along with you little wren. Pick up your penn.