An Herbalist Doctor that Studies the Nell

There is one type of practitioner that we need for our well-being. An herbalist doctor. A wise woman or wise man. A midwife. So we will train them in Nell Studies. There is one kind of plant that we can use in our bodies, food. All other plants are dangerous to ingest and cause imbalance and ill health. You do not need someone prescribing you herbs. I only use foods. Nettles and alfalfa are lettuce. Oat straw is oats. Passionflower is lavender. Lavender is a flowering tea like rose. It is a kitchen herb like thyme or rosemary. Food. Those are the only plants called herbs that I would say are safe to use internally. Because internally is food. Every imbalance and symptom has a root cause. For instance, Trinlie, our midwife, has a middle finger that tingles sometimes. This is my diagnosis: She has that from an injury to her toe. She says she fell off the merry-go-round when she was six and broke her toe. I say, well you broke your toe because you were formula-fed. I broke my arm from jumping as a little girl because I didn’t nurse. My son couldn’t have broken his arm from playing, he nursed until he was four. You need to nurse until you naturally wean for proper bone health. This is about two to three years. This is my prescription: I’d drink the women’s tea at least once a month for a few days for a while, which is nettles, alfalfa, oatstraw, passionflower and lavender to boost my nutrients because the body is saying it’s a little depleted. The men’s tea is the same thing, minus the lavender. You could also add rose and lemon balm and marshmallow. Otherwise, I’d just know the tingling is normal for someone who still has a rift in her toe from improper nutrition as an infant. That’s being an herbalist doctor and an MD. I didn’t just try to help Trinlie for my own use and benefit. I simply gave her information from my wisdom as a physician and a nutritionist. Someone that is trying to sell you something or help you because they like to help would find something wrong and give you a list of things you can do. That is a pharmacist. No one prescribes penny royal, cohosh, hemp or hashish that is not trying to be a pharmacist helper. These plants are known to cause symptoms. Symptoms lead to more symptoms, ill-health and the ultimate result is death. Some plants can be use for salves, like calendula and plantain and violet. But we would never eat them. Nature doesn’t have a pharmacy. A pharmacy is disease-based. Nature has an abundance of nourishment that we can grow and tend to and cook and love. That is about all a doctor has to do, find the root and see what heals the root. This is nell studies. Thanks for coming to your first lesson, Doc.