The Joy Body

Every body knows both pleasure and pain. The joy body is the new consciousness master self. The pain body is the old world ordinary self. Those of us that are in the Rootsong Reiki system are now developing our joy bodies. The reiki is getting very healed and strong now. We are sending our message around the world. Our arms are wide open these days. Everybody has already decided a billion times what they support. We as a tribe support goodness and growth. It’s not even a decision, it’s a fundamental way of living and operating in the world with everyone and everything that we touch moment by moment. The joy body likes to sing. To find your joy body look inward once again. What is your root saying? Mine is saying, “This feels good!” A lot of people are beginning to listen and heal and they are releasing bad habits and painful stories and painful symptoms. I have experienced it all.

My conversation with God said I had to use my voice to free all of you because you couldn’t do it for yourself. That was a long time ago. Years. I am always working on wellness. What have you been doing? You have joined us now. The grace of God won’t let us leave each other. Physically, spiritually, mentally or emotionally. This is Rootsong Reiki in the Life Roots Healing Color System. It’s work. I know. And we love it now. It is our beauty way. And we are getting the say. Reiki is turning into kraft. Art is our life. And the joy body is healing for all of now. Let’s take a vow. It is a color code. And we know what to do with it.